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500 Internal Server Error upon entering module configuration page

Very often, after installing some of our modules and trying to configure them or add content (for example, blog articles, FAQ's), a 500 error occurs. The problem occurs when you're using PrestaShop 1.7 or higher and PHP version 7.2 or higher


There are different forms of this message because each host/server is allowed to customize the way it's displayed. Here are some common ways you might see this error.

  • "500 Internal Server Error";
  • "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error";
  • "Internal Server Error";
  • "500 Error";
  • "HTTP Error 500";
  • "HTTP 500 Internal Error".


We have a solution for modules with which we have problems. Below are the instructions for each module. List of modules:




Solution for Call For Price + Call Back Product Button module:


Open the file: «AdminCallForPriceController.php» from the following folder: «callforprice/controllers/admin» and find the line «public function setMedia()». Add the following code:


$isNewTheme = false


next, find a «parent::setMedia()» string. Add the following code:




Here we go:


Next, open the «CallForPriceItem.php» file from the «/callforprice/classes» folder and add and find the line «public function save($null_values)». Add the following code:


, $auto_date = true


next, find a «$res=parent::save($null_values)» string. Add the following code:


, $auto_date


it will look like this:



Solution for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page module: 


Open the file: «AdminFaqsCategory.php» from the following folder: «faqs/controllers/admin» and find the line «public function setMedia()». Add the following code:


$isNewTheme = false


next, find a «parent::setMedia()» string. Add the following code:




It will look like this:



Make the same changes with the same lines and code in the files "AdminFaqsPost.php" and "AdminFaqsSettings.php" from the «faqs/controllers/admin» folder.



Solution for Extended Contact Form module: 


Open the file: «AdminContactFormController.php» from the following folder: «blockcontactform/controllers/admin» and find the line «public function setMedia()». Add the following code:


$isNewTheme = false


next, find a «parent::setMedia()» string. Add the following code:




It will look like this:




Solution for Featured Products Slider module: 


Open the file: «AdminMotivationsaleController.php» from the following folder: «motivationsale/controllers/admin» and find the line «public function setMedia()». Add the following code:


$isNewTheme = false


next, find a «parent::setMedia()» string. Add the following code:




It will look like this:




Solution for Product Catalog Mass Edit module: 


Open the file: «AdminProductEditController.php» from the following folder: «mpm_bulkproductedit/controllers/admin» and find the line «public function setMedia()». Add the following code:


$isNewTheme = false


next, find a «parent::setMedia()» string. Add the following code:




It will look like this:




Solution for Request a Call Back module: 


Open the file: «AdminFreeCallController.php» from the following folder: «freecall/controllers/admin» and find the line «public function setMedia()». Add the following code:


$isNewTheme = false


next, find a «parent::setMedia()» string. Add the following code:




It will look like this:


Usefulness of the answer: